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The form and related guidance can be found here. Please contact your GSA or departmental graduate administrator if you require more information. Plagiarism is presenting someone elses work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition. Plagiarism may be intentional or reckless, or unintentional. Under the regulations for examinations, intentional or reckless plagiarism is a disciplinary offence sections 4 and 5.

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Chung,M. G. Swanson, H. E. Zhau, J. Kurhanewicz, and Q. X. A. Sang. An American Association for Cancer ResearchSpecial Conference on Proteases, Extracellular Matrix, and Cancer. Hilton HeadIsland, South Carolina.

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Business Ethics, Answers. com, 2001, accessed October 7, 2011, . Fortunately, the chances of an unethical decision being made in a small business are lower because the individual or individuals who are harmed will always be more visible. It is more difficult for the small business owner to be unethical. Ultimately, small business owners will behave in accordance with their own moral compass, sense of fair play and inclination to deal in good faith. Jim Blasingame, Small Business Ethics, Small Business Advocate, August 13, 2001, accessed October 7, 2011, ccording to one study,Daniel J. Brown and Jonathan B. King, Small Business Ethics: Influences and Perceptions, Journal of Small Business Management 11, no. 8 1982: 1118. small businesses see norms and pressures from the community and peers as having more influence on their ethics than moral or religious principles, the anticipation of rewards, upholding the law, or the fear of punishment. This leads to the conclusion that small business is influenced significantly by the communities in which their businesses are located.

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And my personal favorite drum roll pleaseFuck Everything And Run Are you thinking about quitting, giving up on your pursuits as an artist?You can deny your dreams but the outcome will be quiet desperation. The desperation becomes the safe comfort zone. Youre Inner Critic will fight hard to keep you where it feels safe. You may not like the desperate comfort zone that you find yourself in but its what you know. Safe. No surprises. To see far is one thing. Going there is another. BrancusiIf you find that your in a state of FEAR there is a little trick you can apply to help you crawl out of that dark hole. You can ask yourself the following two questions:1. What am I getting out of staying in this state?You dont do anything unless you get something out of it.

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